
Chain Letter Photography Project

Sometime in early November, Florida photographer Chip Litherland will load five 35mm cameras with color film, carefully pack them into shipping cases, and mail them to five different photographers around the globe. Each photographer who receives a camera will be challenged to shoot just one picture before they have to ship the camera on to someone else.

This is such an inspiring article on so many levels. The project is named the FOCUSED project—to slow things down. Create with purpose and not adding to the visual clutter that is so common.

Even better, this project will donate from the sale of prints to various youth organizations.

“We’re donating the money to support the organizations that are teaching visual storytelling and helping children develop their voice through photography,” says Litherland in the article. “We’re in this to profit mentally and visually, not monetarily.” Nice!!!

The full article courtesy of wired is here→

To learn more about FOCUSED, please visit

“If your pictures aren’t good enough, you’re not close enough”

The concept of shooting to a brief, fascinates me. I think as photographers, we tend to immerse ourselves with specific themes or subjects. The challenge to find inspiration by the challenge of being given “your assignment” is such a great way to break away from old ways and technics of capturing images. Breaking out of our individual comfort zones.

This wonderful article from the BBC News in Pictures site is about a 52 week challenge for street photographers sponsored by The Photographer’s Gallery  of London.

Follow the jump to read the article→